Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I don`t have much luck with girls [Robert Pattison]

Rob Pattinson: 'I Don't Have Much Luck With Girls'

Before Twilight, British hunk says no one wanted to commit to him

Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson may be the romantic ideal of millions of girls around the world, but he wasn't always so popular with the opposite sex. 

Before Twilight emerged as a cult phenomenon, Pattinson — who doesn't even think he's good-looking — tried in vain to land a girlfriend. 

"Last year all I was trying to do was get a girlfriend," Rob laments. "No one else seems to get into a relationship with me; no one wants to commit." 

Obviously, that has all changed now that Pattinson has become an international matinee idol, thanks to his star-making turn as the irresistible vampire Edward Cullen. 

Unfortunately, the problem now may be that Rob is so busy with his career that he won't have any time to date. In March, Rob will begin shooting New Moon, the highly anticipated sequel to Twilight. 

But don't expect Rob to get a swelled head because of his newfound star power. "My dad said success and failure were both impostors," says Pattinson. "That's the best way to go about acting, especially when everything is so extreme." 

[**Editor's note: British poet Rudyard Kipling said something similar when he wrote: "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, yours is the earth and everything that's in it. And—what's more—you'll be a man, my son."]

With his career skyrocketing, onscreen romances will have to do for a while. "I'm single at the moment but I read stories that I'm dating so-and-so, but it's not true," says Robert. "But they are very good guesses because I always fancy the girl they pair me up with." 

Somehow, it wouldn't surprise us if the feeling were mutual. New Moon comes out in November 2009.

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